(218) 829-8470
How do we help?
We are here for you, to listen and to support you.
With Birthright, you are never alone. We help women and men discover hope for the future through friendship and genuine compassion. We provide pregnancy support services to anyone in need, regardless of circumstances. We know the importance of simply being with you, being a caring listener, and respecting that it is your life and your plan. Birthright is available to support you for as long as you need us: from the time of your first call or visit, throughout the pregnancy, and after.
We welcome men who are involved in a pregnancy to reach out to us for support for themselves and the baby's mother.
Along with providing love and support, we help with essentials such as pregnancy testing, medical, housing, and counseling referrals, as well as maternity and baby items. Through Birthright’s strong support system, you can realize hope for your future.